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Explore Mashu Kussharo

in the center of Eastern Hokkaido

Welcome to the Mashu Kussharo area in Teshikaga!

Have you heard of Teshikaga? Maybe not. Located in the center of Eastern Hokkaido and filling the eastern half of the Akan-Mashu National Park, it is embraced by incredible nature such as two caldera lakes – Mashu & Kussharo, an active volcano – Mt. Io, and primeval forests. Thanks to the volcano and an abundance of water, all different types of hot springs are ready for your relaxation and enjoyment. And there are stories of the indigenous Ainu people who have been living in this area for many years by foraging and respecting nature before the Japanese from the main island of Japan moved in.
It is a perfect place to spend your vacation enjoying all different kinds of outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking, fishing, soaking in hot springs, reading books at the lakeside or getting to know about the wisdom of the Ainu and Japanese who are living with Mother Nature.

CLICK HERE to explore this fascinating region with an English speaking guide!

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